发展使命:滴水不漏万家欣 整体防护天下城
Company vision: To be the most valuable global enterprise in the construction materials industry.
发展愿景:做整体防水 创国际欣城
Company belief: Development keeps us company and one favorable turn deserves another.
核心价值观:爱国 敬业 正念 诚信 激情 共赢
Company vision: To be the most valuable global enterprise in the construction materials industry.
文化之道:以国学精髓为主体,以水哲学为内核,以文化传承为导向,以实践应用为根本 发展愿景
Company tenet: Create value for nation, society, customers, employees and shareholders.
欣城精神:勤勉 善学 励志 全拼
Company values: Genuineness, excellence, elegance.
文化四观:研发观 生产观 人才观 经营观
Company spirit: Where there is a will, there is a way; strive for excellence, keep moving forward.
核心文化:水哲学文化( 上善若水,水利万物而不争)
Guiding ideology: Return for nation, service to people.
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